Scope Button Box


The Scope Button Box transmitter is a very simple, instant solution for alerting the attention of someone with a pager.

Designed for Desk Top, Wall or Under-Desk Mounting, the transmitter sends a repeating signal when activated until it is reset with a key. The button flashes periodically to indicate that it is in its triggered state.

Multiple units can be used on a site, each sending its own unique identifier to the receiving devices, which could be pagers, fixed receivers or a combination of both.

This clever little Box is capable of sending a signal to receiving devices up to 200m away perhaps further depending on site conditions. It can also be used in conjunction with an advanced on-site paging system (see "Bespoke Configuration' below).

NB This transmitter can also be supplied as a single push button without a reset key.

Ideal For...

  • Exam Invigilators
  • Panic Alarm
  • Internal Door Bell
  • Lone Workers
  • Hospitality
  • Conferences
  • Entrance Reception Button


  • Rugged designed casing
  • Screw lugs for attaching to a wall, under desk, counter etc
  • Repeat signal until reset (with reset key version)
  • Reset Signal
  • Low Battery signal
  • 10mw output power
  • Standard 9V battery

Plug & Play Configuration

The Button Box can be used with compatible on-site pagers (listed below) in a simple versatile plug-and-play configuration - one Button to one or many pagers or one or many Button Boxes to a single pager.

Bespoke Configuration

The Button Box can also form part of a sophisticated integrated system by transmitting to fixed multi-zone receivers or used in conjunction with our Connexions advanced on-site paging system.

These systems can be configured to suit your specific requirements. Please contact us and we'll be pleased to discuss the options available.

Compatible On-Site Pagers

GEO 28
GEO 40

Fact Sheet

To view or download a fact sheet for the Button Box (in PDF format) click on the link below:

 Button Box